

This D3 visualization is by Edward Lee, with a few minor modifications by BFL

The (slightly modified) visualization can be viewed here

Notes by BFL

The basic structure of this example could probably serve as a nice template for many D3 visualizations, having the following basic components:

  • initialization
    • load the data into a data variable
    • call out to processData
    • construct the basic svg elements from the data and auxiliary objects (e.g., axes ticklines)
    • configure any click/touch events for the svg elements
    • kick off the first redraw
  • redraw
    • redraw everything, using transitions for everything
  • processData
    • perform any additional processing on the data for auxiliary quantities
  • window resize event ($(window).resize if using jQuery)
    • determine current visualization bounds based on the window size, etc.
    • call out to processData to update auxiliary quantities
    • call redraw


The current width and height of the visualization; this will change if the window size changes

var wid, hei;

How long the transitions should last, in milliseconds

var transitionDuration = 800;

The data that is loaded from the file

var data = [];

scales holds the various scales used for rendering, and some helper utility functions:

  • scales.years
    • d3 linear scale that maps [minYear,maxYear] to [padding.left, wid - padding.right] (the horizontal pixel bounds of the visualization)
    • this is used to get the proper x location on the screen given a year, handling a lot of grunt work in a nice way
  • scales.indexes
    • d3 linear scale that maps [0, data.length - 1] to [padding.top, hei - padding.bottom - barHeight]
    • this is used to determine the y location of a bar when fixed heights are being used
  • scales.areas(area)
    • function that takes an area and returns the height in pixels that that area represents, as a fraction of the total overall empire areas
  • scales.popPercents(popPercent)
    • function that takes a population percent and returns the height in pixels that that population percent represents, as a fraction of the total overall empire areas
var scales = {};

totals holds some auxiliary quantities calculated during initialization:

  • totals.area is the sum of area over all empires
  • totals.population is the sum of population over all empires
  • totals.popPercent is the sum of population percent over all empires
var totals = {};

vis is the main html/svg element that contains all of the graphics

var vis;

Set some "comfortable" padding around the visualization

var padding = {
	top : 40,
	right : 140,
	bottom : 30,
	left : 30

The initial barHeight for the bars; this will be changed based on the actual data and window height

var barHeight = 10;

If the percentage of total population is not defined for a given empire, then use this default value

var defaultPopPercent = .08;

The controls variable holds the current view option settings, as set by clicking one of the links in the "controls" portion of the screen

  • controls.display - how the bars are placed horizontally
    • "timeline": each bar is placed horizontally where its start year is
    • "centered": each bar is placed so that the peak year of the corresponding empire is in the center of the screen
    • "aligned": bars are all placed on far left of visualization (this is the fallback if controls.display is not one of the other two possible values)
  • controls.height - how the height of each bar is determined
    • "fixed": the height of each bar is the same, and is calculated based on the vertical screen size of the visualization
    • "area": the height of each bar corresponds to how much of the total area over all of the empires, thus providing a way to visually compare the size of each empire
    • "population": the height of each bar correspond to how much of the total population percentage over all of the empires, thus providing a way to visually compare the fraction of world population of each empire
var controls = {
	display : "aligned",
	height : "fixed"


This is the jQuery callback called when the DOM is fully loaded

$(document).ready(function() {

This will create the <svg> html element, so that you end up with this:

<body><svg class="vis">

Note that D3 can handle this particular case if you just use "svg" instead of "svg:svg"

	vis = d3.select("body")
				.attr("class", "vis");

Set the size of the div based on the current size of the window; this method is called every time the window is resized, too


Load the Data

Internally, the d3.csv function uses an ajax call to load the raw data; if you're working on a local file system, you need to tweak d3 to handle ajax calls to local files, a la this pull request for D3. For local file stuff to work on Chrome, you need to also enable local file access via something like --allow-file-access-from-files, but I haven't tried it yet.

	d3.csv("Empires_Data.csv", function(d) {

		data = d;

Parse the data

Each line of the csv file results in an element in the data array

		for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			d = data[i];

Do a little bit of cleanup/converting

			for (prop in d) {
				if (!isNaN(d[prop])) {
					d[prop] = parseFloat(d[prop]);
				} else if (d[prop] == "Yes") {
					d[prop] = true;
				} else if (d[prop] == "No") {
					d[prop] = false;

Do sort and calculate totals

This is not in processData because we only need to do it once, as the source data do not change after being loaded

Sort the data by start year for the empire, using the d3 ascending utility method

		data.sort(function(a, b) {
			return d3.ascending(a.Start, b.Start);

Calculate the total area of all empires, using the d3 sum utility method

		totals.area = d3.sum(data, function(d) {
			return d.Land_area_million_km2;

Calculate the total population of all empires, using the d3 sum utility method

		totals.population = d3.sum(data, function(d) {
			return d.Estimated_Population;

Calculate the sum of the population percentage over of all empires, using the d3 sum utility method; some of the records do not have the population percentage defined, so these must be dealt somehow, in this case returning the default population percentage (of 0.08)

		totals.popPercent = d3.sum(data, function(d) {
			if (isNaN(d.Percent_World_Population))
				return defaultPopPercent;
				return d.Percent_World_Population;

Process data for scales, etc. (see notes below)


Some more initialization (these methods only called once; see notes below)


Set the initial options for controls.display and controls.height, after a wait of 500ms (for a bit of a dramatic effect :) )

		setTimeout(function() {

Set the initial "controls.display" option to "timeline", and do not redraw

			setControl($("#controls #layoutControls #layout-timeline"), "display", "timeline", false);

Set the initial "controls.height" option to "area", and redraw

			setControl($("#controls #heightControls #height-area"), "height", "area", true);
		}, 500);


Set the Width and Height of the Visualization

These calculations are based on the current window size

function setVisSize() {

	wid = $(window).width() - 4;
	hei = $(window).height() - 25 - $("#controls").height();
	vis.attr("width", wid).attr("height", hei); //works in firefox; 
	 The original $(".vis").attr("width", wid);//does not work in firefox
	$(".vis .background").attr("width", wid).attr("height", hei);


Note: You need to be careful how you set the width/height attributes, because the jQuery selectors might not work correctly on Firefox.

Hook into Window Resize Event

This uses jQuery's resize to get notified when the window's size is changed

$(window).resize(function() {

Recalculate Scales, etc. based on Current Window Size

 * Process the data once it's imported

processData is called every time the screen is resized. It sets scales.years, scales.indexes, scales.areas, scales.popPercents

function processData() {

barHeight is used for the fixed size case

	barHeight = (hei - padding.top - padding.bottom) / data.length;

Configure the scales functions

	scales.years = d3.scale.linear()
					.domain([d3.min(data, function(d) {return d.Start;}), 
							d3.max(data, function(d) {return d.End;})])
					.range([padding.left, wid - padding.right]);

	scales.indexes = d3.scale.linear()
					.domain([0, data.length - 1])
					.range([padding.top, hei - padding.bottom - barHeight]);

	scales.areas = function(a) {
		var percentage = a / totals.area;
		var range = hei - padding.top - padding.bottom;
		return range * percentage;

	scales.popPercents = function(a) {
		if (isNaN(a))
			a = defaultPopPercent;
		var percentage = a / totals.popPercent;
		var range = hei - padding.top - padding.bottom;
		return range * percentage;

Determine the y location for each bar for the case where height of each bar is proportional to the area of the corresponding empire

	var y_area = padding.top;
	for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
		d = data[i];
		d.area_y = y_area;
		y_area += scales.areas(d.Land_area_million_km2);

Determine the y location for each bar for the case where height of each bar is proportional to the population percentage

	var y_popPercent = padding.top;
	for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
		d = data[i];
		d.popPercent_y = y_popPercent;

		if (isNaN(d.Percent_World_Population))
			y_popPercent += scales.popPercents(defaultPopPercent);
			y_popPercent += scales.popPercents(d.Percent_World_Population);


Initial Render (called only once)

 * Initial rendering of the vis
function drawStarting() {

The Main rect Containing the Visualization

  1. Create a new svg rect element under the main visualization element
  2. Set its CSS class to "background"
  3. Set its x attribute to 0
  4. Set its y attribute to 0
  5. Set its width to the current window width (as calculated in setVisSize())
  6. Set its height to the current window height (as calculated in setVisSize())
		.attr("class", "background")
		.attr("x", 0)
		.attr("y", 0)
		.attr("width", wid)
		.attr("height", hei);

Initialize the Year Ticks

  1. Select all of the line elements (which won't exist yet)
  2. Attach data returned from the D3 ticks function; there will be 10 uniformly-spaced values in the dataset
  3. Begin the process for what to do with new data (the enter() call)
  4. For each new one, append an svg line element
  5. Set the CSS class for this line to "tickLine"
  6. Set the x1 attribute for the line to the left-most position in the visualization
  7. Set the x2 attribute for the line to the left-most position in the visualization
  8. Set the y1 attribute for the line to the yop-most position in the visualization
  9. Set the y2 attribute for the line to the bottom-most position in the visualization
				.attr("class", "tickLine")
				.attr("x1", padding.left)
				.attr("x2", padding.left)
				.attr("y1", padding.top)
				.attr("y2", hei - padding.bottom);

Empire Containers

  1. Select all of the g elements
  2. Attach the data to these elements
  3. Begin the process for what to do with new data (the enter() call)
  4. For each new one, append an svg g element
  5. Set the CSS class of the element to "barGroup"
  6. Set the index attribute for use later when the bar is clicked and we need to know which one it was
  7. Set the transform attribute to be a translation to where the left is always the far-most left, and the y location depends on the data row; the left position will will be modified each time in the redraw method by transition calls based on which options are chosen
				.attr("class", "barGroup")
				.attr("index", function(d, i) {return i;})
				.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
					return "translate(" + padding.left + ", " + scales.indexes(i) + ")";


  1. Select all of the g.barGroup elements (these will have been created in the call above, and have the data attached to them)
  2. For each one, append an svg rect element
  3. For this new rect, set its class to bar
  4. Set the x attribute to 0
  5. Set the y attribute to 0
  6. Set the width of the rect to a function that returns the (scaled) distance between the end and start years for the data row
  7. Set the height attribute to the initial default barHeight above (this will be reset in the redraw method)
				.attr("class", "bar")
				.attr("x", 0)
				.attr("y", 0)
				.attr("width", function(d) {
							return scales.years(d.End) - scales.years(d.Start);
				.attr("height", barHeight);

Empire Peak Lines

  1. Select all g.barGroup elements
  2. For each one, append an svg line element
  3. Set the CSS class for this new line to "peakLine"
  4. Set the x1 attribute for the line to be a function that returns where the peak for that data point fits during the time period for the empire
  5. Set the x2 attribute for the line to be the same function as for x1
  6. Set the y1 attribute to be 0 (which is the top of the barGroup the line is in)
  7. Set the y2 attribute for the line to be the current generic barHeight (this will be reset in the redraw method based on the current options)
				.attr("class", "peakLine")
				.attr("x1", function(d) {
						return scales.years(d.Peak) - scales.years(d.Start);
				.attr("x2", function(d) {
						return scales.years(d.Peak) - scales.years(d.Start);
				.attr("y1", 0)
				.attr("y2", barHeight);

Bar Labels

  1. Select all of the g.barGroup elements
  2. For each one, append an svg text element
  3. Set the CSS class for this new element to be "barLabel"
  4. Set the x value to be a function that returns the width of the bar
  5. Set the y atrribute of the text element to be 0
  6. Set the dx attribute to 5 pixels to give a little space next to the bar
  7. Set the dy property to be a tad down from 0 at 0.35em
  8. Set the inline css style fill to be the color #0ff IF this empire has contiguous = false
  9. Set the text itself to be d.name (will be actual contents of the tag itself)
				.attr("class", "barLabel")
				.attr("x", function(d) {
						return scales.years(d.End) - scales.years(d.Start);
				.attr("y", 0)
				.attr("dx", 5)
				.attr("dy", ".35em")
				.style("fill", function(d) {
						if (d.Contiguous === false)
							return "#0ff";
				.text(function(d) {
						return d.Name;

Tick Labels

  1. Select all of the text.rule elements (which might not exist yet, which is ok as they can be created after the data has been added)
  2. Attach the data to these elements, being the 10 tick marks
  3. Indicate what to do for new data
  4. For each new data, add an svg text element
  5. Set its CSS class to "rule"
  6. Set the x attribute to padding.left for each one (will be reset in redraw based on other options)
  7. Set the y attribute to be a constant 20 (this is relative to the containing element)
  8. Set the dy attribute to 0 (maybe this was twiddled at some point)
  9. Set the tedxt-anchor attribute to "middle" to center the text
  10. Set the text for the element as the function that returns the formatted year for the data point
  11. Set the initial opacity to 0; this will be transitioned to the proper value in the redraw function
				.attr("class", "rule")
				.attr("x", padding.left)
				.attr("y", 20)
				.attr("dy", 0)
				.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
				.text(function(d) {
						return formatYear(d);



 * Redraw the vis with transition

Redraw everything, using a transition for each thing rendered every time

Things are rendered from back to front:

  • year ticklines ("line.tickline")
  • empire containers ("g")
  • bars ("g.barGroup rect.bar")
  • bar labels ("g.barGroup text.barLabel")
  • peak lines ("g.barGroup line.peakLine")
  • tick labels ("text.rule")
function redraw() {


Calculate the horizontal center of the rendering area for later use

	var visCenter = (wid - padding.left - padding.right) / 2 + padding.left;

redraw the Year Ticks

The ticklines are shown either at the specified tick intervals, bunched up in the middle, or all the way to the left; the top and bottom are the height of the container minus the padding

			.attr("x1", function(d, i) {
					if (controls.display == "timeline")
						return scales.years(d);
					else if (controls.display == "centered")
						return visCenter;
						return padding.left;
			.attr("x2", function(d) {
					if (controls.display == "timeline")
						return scales.years(d);
					else if (controls.display == "centered")
						return visCenter;
						return padding.left;
			.attr("y1", padding.top)
			.attr("y2", hei - padding.bottom);

redraw the Empire Containers

			.style("fill-opacity", function(d) {
					if (controls.height == "population" && isNaN(d.Percent_World_Population))
						return .4;
						return 1;
			.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
				var tx, ty;
				if (controls.display == "timeline")
					tx = scales.years(d.Start);
				else if (controls.display == "centered")
					tx = visCenter - (scales.years(d.Peak) - scales.years(d.Start));
					tx = padding.left;

				if (controls.height == "area")
					ty = d.area_y;
				else if (controls.height == "population")
					ty = d.popPercent_y;
					ty = scales.indexes(i);
				return "translate(" + tx + ", " + ty + ")";

redraw the Bars

	vis.selectAll("g.barGroup rect.bar")
			.style("fill-opacity", function(d) {
					if (controls.height == "population" && isNaN(d.Percent_World_Population))
						return .25;
						return .75;
			.attr("height", function(d) {
					if (controls.height == "area")
						return scales.areas(d.Land_area_million_km2);
					else if (controls.height == "population")
						return scales.popPercents(d.Percent_World_Population);
						return barHeight;

redraw the Bar Labels

	var labelHeight = 0;
	vis.selectAll("g.barGroup text.barLabel")
			.attr("y", function(d) {
					if (controls.height == "area")
						return scales.areas(d.Land_area_million_km2) / 2 - labelHeight;
					else if (controls.height == "population")
						return scales.popPercents(d.Percent_World_Population) / 2 - labelHeight;
						return barHeight / 2 - labelHeight;

redraw the Peak Lines

	vis.selectAll("g.barGroup line.peakLine")
			.attr("y2", function(d) {
					if (controls.height == "area")
						return scales.areas(d.Land_area_million_km2);
					else if (controls.height == "population")
						return scales.popPercents(d.Percent_World_Population);
						return barHeight;

redraw the Tick Labels

			.attr("x", function(d) {
					if (controls.display == "timeline")
						return scales.years(d);
					else if (controls.display == "centered")
						return visCenter;
						return padding.left;
			.attr("y", 20)
			.attr("dy", 0)
			.style("fill-opacity", function(d) {
					if (controls.display == "timeline") {
						return 1;
					else {
					return 0;


Configure Interaction Events (called only once)

 * Add interaction events after initial drawing
function addInteractionEvents() {

This will set up the click event on every single bar that was drawn, with the result that if the user clicks on one of the bars, the InfoBox specific to that bar will be shown

	$("g.barGroup").click(function(e) {
		showInfoBox(e, $(this).attr("index"));

Configure so that a click that is NOT on a bar will (ultimately) hide the InfoBox

	$(".vis .background, .vis .mouseLine").click(function(e) {
		showInfoBox(e, null);

Note: if this will be used on mobile devices, it is probably worth checking out hooking up to touch events rather than click events for responsiveness purposes.


Show InfoBox

 * Display info box for data index i, at mouse

Show the InfoBox for a particular empire, or simply hide the InfoBox if i is null

function showInfoBox(e, i) {

	if (i == null)
	else {
		var d = data[i];

Build up the html for the InfoBox

		var info = "<span class='title'>" + d.Name + "</span>";
		info += "<br />" + formatYear(d.Start) + " - " + formatYear(d.End);
		if (!isNaN(d.Land_area_million_km2))
			info += "<br />" + " Peak (" + formatYear(d.Peak) + "): " + d.Land_area_million_km2 + " million sq km";
		if (!isNaN(d.Estimated_Population))
			info += "<br />" + d.Estimated_Population + " million people in " + formatYear(d.Population_Year);
			info += "<br />" + "no population data available";
		if (!isNaN(d.Percent_World_Population))
			info += "<br />" + "(" + Math.round(d.Percent_World_Population * 100) + "% of world population)";
		if (d.Contiguous === false)
			info += "<br />" + "non-contiguous";

Determine where the InfoBox will be going on the screen; if the bar clicked is in the top half, use the [mouse coordinates] where the user clicked, otherwise shift back to the left and up a little big (in case the box is near the bottom of the screen)

		var infoPos;
		if (i <= data.length / 2)
			infoPos = {
				left : e.pageX,
				top : e.pageY
			infoPos = {
				left : e.pageX - 200,
				top : e.pageY - 80
  1. Shove the info html we just built into the #infobox div element,
  2. Set its position in CSS
  3. Then show it, show it, show it...


Set Current View Options

This sets either controls.display or controls.height; it is called from the initialization routine and from the script in the html itself

function setControl(elem, con, val, re) {

Remove the CSS "active" class for any sibling elements, by:

  1. Finding the parent elements that have class ".controlGroup" via jQuery's parents() function
  2. Finding the "a" descendants of the parents via jQuery's find() function
  3. Removing the CSS "active" class via jQuery's removeClass() function

Make sure the passed in element has its CSS class set to "active", using the jQuery addClass() function


Set controls.display or controls.height (could be any property, but only "display" and "height" are passed in for "con" in this example)

	controls[con] = val;

If the caller wants us to redraw now, do so

	if (re == true)

This function doesn't seem to be called anywhere

function parseTransform(s) {
	if (s.substr(0, 10) == "translate(") {
		s = s.substring(10, s.length - 1);
		s = s.split(",");
		var v1 = parseFloat($.trim(s[0]));
		var v2 = parseFloat($.trim(s[1]));
	return {
		val1 : v1,
		val2 : v2

Date Format Helper

Helper function to format dates that are BCE

function formatYear(y) {
	if (y <= 0)
		return y * -1 + " BCE";
		return y;